by Media | Apr 2, 2020 | City of Fort Worth, Emergency Meals, FWISD, News, Schools |
Fort Worth ISD has researched the available resources that provide food and supplies to students and families in Fort Worth during this challenging time. The District is working with the Tarrant Area Food Bank, churches, and other dedicated partner organizations to help families meet their nutritional and health needs. The City of Fort Worth, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and other groups are also working hard to provide meals-to-go and boxes of food to families. Read more…
by Media | Apr 2, 2020 | Emergency Meals, News, Texas Governor |
Generous Texans and Local Restaurants Helping to Feed Youth and Families in Need
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the Comfort Food Care Package (CFCP) program to provide meals for at-risk youth and families in communities across Texas as the state responds to COVID-19. As part of the program, participating restaurants offer CFCPs for patrons to purchase on behalf of families and youth in need. Each care package contains enough food to feed a family of 5 to 6 and will be delivered to recipients’ homes. The program is a partnership between the Governor’s Public Safety Office, the Texas network of Family and Youth Success Programs (formerly called Services to At-Risk Youth), Favor Delivery, and the Texas Restaurant Association.
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