by Media | Apr 8, 2020 | City of Fort Worth, Essential Services, Restaurants |
Last updated: Tuesday, April 7 at 2:15 p.m.
With social distancing from crowds and dining out, Visit Fort Worth would like to call attention to local restaurants offering curbside pickup and delivery. With over 300 listings spread the love to your favorite restaurants across Fort Worth and try something new.
This list will be refreshed daily so please check back often.
For up-to-date temporary attraction closings and rescheduled events click here.
For a printer-friendly view of the restaurant information, please click here.
To add any additional restaurant updates or any changes/questions please contact Austin James at
by Media | Apr 1, 2020 | City of Fort Worth, Essential Services, News, Texas Governor |
GA-14 Essential Services Designation
Follow these steps to determine whether your business is an “essential service” as defined by Texas Executive Order GA-14:
1.) Is your company covered by one of the 17 Sectors on the DHS Critical Infrastructure List?
A.) A requestor must read through this entire document before making a request:
Click here for DHS Guidance
2.) Are you providing a religious service in a church, congregation, or house of worship?
A.) This sector is considered “essential service” under Texas Executive Order GA-14. If religious services cannot be conducted from home or through remote services, they should be conducted consistent with the Guidelines from the President and the CDC by practicing good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation, and by implementing social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19
3.) Request a determination from The Texas Division of Emergency Management.
A.) Only if you have determined that your business is not covered by one of the critical sectors identified in the DHS Guidance, and is not a church/congregation/house of worship – please apply using the form below for a determination by the Texas Division of Emergency Management.
Per Texas Executive Order GA-14 the following are NOT considered “essential services”:
Cosmetology Salons
Massage Establishments
Tattoo Studios
Piercing Studios
Eating/Drinking Inside of Bars/Restaurants/Food Courts
The use of drive-thru, pickup, or delivery options for food and drinks is allowed and highly encouraged throughout the limited duration of the executive order.
Source: TDEM