Ft. Worth Church and Nonprofit Leaders update 4-16-2020

See below for detailed information and resource links mentioned in today’s email. If you are a pastor church leader or nonprofit and want to get on our email list, please contact us and we’ll add you. Don’t forget that you can list your volunteer opportunities with the ServeBridge community. It’s free and very easy.  Learn more here…

Please share any information you think would be helpful to this group and our community by emailing us.

  • Information to Help and Protect Seniors:

Inspector general warns about new Social Security benefit suspension scam

Collaborative new program to serve seniors during COVID-19 crisis

  • North Texas Cares – Grant Application site for nonprofits:

They are creating a pool based on crisis/critical needs and funding that is available. They are selecting what they are assessing as the most critical and allocating funds to those organizations first. Grants are NOT guaranteed. But, I think its worth applying if your nonprofit is providing emergency services. Please be patient with them if you apply. Link: https://northtexascares.org

  • Responding to Needs of Workers and Employers

Link: County Judge Quarterly (PDF w/ resource links)

  • Trauma (TBRI) Trainings for congregants, nonprofits and volunteers:

Serve those with PTSD and complex trauma by learning Trauma Informed Care. My team and I along with hundreds of others in our community have benefited from these trainings. Whether you are interacting with a trafficking or domestic violence victim or a veteran with PTSD, being Trauma Informed is valuable.

Free TBRI training (KARYN PURVIS INSTITUTE OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT) – Trauma Informed Care (PTSD) Free Access: TBRI 101 Link here

  • Human Trafficking does not stop because of COVID19.

UnBound is offering some educational trainings to help combat trafficking in our communities. Link: UnBound Human trafficking training (PDF of schedule)

  • First Amendment and religious freedom

Join First Liberty Institute attorneys every Friday for an in-depth look at the legality of state-mandated restrictions and your right to live out your faith. First Liberty Friday Conference Calls: Learn more here…
Dial (877)-743-5428 to join the call at 12 PM, Noon (EST) every Friday.

  • Meditation:

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:3-4)

Fort Worth ISD Creates Database of Local Resources for Students and Families

Fort Worth ISD Creates Database of Local Resources for Students and Families

Fort Worth ISD has researched the available resources that provide food and supplies to students and families in Fort Worth during this challenging time. The District is working with the Tarrant Area Food Bank, churches, and other dedicated partner organizations to help families meet their nutritional and health needs. The City of Fort Worth, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and other groups are also working hard to provide meals-to-go and boxes of food to families. Read more…

Restaurant Employee Relief Fund

Restaurant Employee Relief Fund

Apply For Aid

Through the Restaurant Employee Relief Fund, we will provide grants to restaurant industry employees who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19, financially, whether through a decrease in wages or loss of employment.


  • Apply for a grant starting Thursday, April 2, 2020
  • Each approved grant is $500, one per person only
  • See Eligibility Requirements listed below

For more info, click here…