Child Abuse Prevention – Tools for Parents
COVID-19 Parenting Resources – We are all living in uncharted territory during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Below you will find resources to help navigate parenthood in this unprecedented time.
Preparing Church Benevolence Ministry for Increased Requests (COVID-19)
My encouragement to ALL of us is to begin praying, creating and adjusting our benevolence plans, building up benevolence funds (storehouses) and collaborating with our nonprofit partners now.
If you are worried about COVID-19, or are having symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, fever), please call us. We will talk with you about your symptoms to determine if you need to schedule an appointment for an evaluation and possible testing, if you should go to the hospital or if you should stay at home.
Governor Abbott’s Report to Open Texas
The Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas will safely and strategically restart and revitalize all aspects of the Lone Star State—work, school, entertainment, and culture. The Governor’s Strike Force to Open Texas brings together nationally recognized medical experts with public- and private-sector business leaders to achieve this mission.
White House: Guidelines for Opening Up America Again
President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a three-phased approach based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and continuing to protect American lives.
IRS: Economic Impact Payment Information Center
Millions of Americans have already received their Economic Impact Payments (Payments) authorized by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continues to calculate and automatically send the Payments to most eligible individuals, however some may have to provide additional information to the IRS to get their Payments.
Ft. Worth Church and Nonprofit Leaders update 4-16-2020
See below for detailed information and resource links mentioned in today’s email. If you are a pastor church leader or nonprofit and want to get on our email list, please contact us and we’ll add you. Don’t forget that you can list your volunteer opportunities with the ServeBridge community. It’s free and very easy.
Pandemic could lead to spike in alcohol and drug addiction
People searching for ways to cope with coronavirus-related anxiety and depression may resort to alcohol or drug use.
A terrible triad – trauma, isolation and lack of structure – is driving more people to drink alcohol and use drugs.
Fort Worth local restaurants offering curbside pickup and delivery
With social distancing from crowds and dining out, Visit Fort Worth would like to call attention to local restaurants offering curbside pickup and delivery. With over 300 listings spread the love to your favorite restaurants across Fort Worth and try something new.
This list will be refreshed daily so please check back often.